Dog You're Interested In
Zip Code
Phone Number
Why are you interested in adopting an AVPC dog?
Please list all other family members or individuals living at the residence full or part time (Relation and Age of individual)
When you are not home, where will your pet be kept?
How long will your pet be alone during the day?
Describe the type of training you have done at home with your dogs in the past/any training you may have done with a trainer
Do you live in a :
Do you own the property at the address above?
If you rent, please list the landlord's name and phone number
Do you have a fenced in yard?
Please list all other pets in the home (Type, Breed, Name, Age, Gender, Spay/Neuter, Current on Vaccinations)
Please list vet clinic your animals go to (Name and Phone Number)
Please provide any additional information you would like us to know about your application, home, lifestyle or experience with dogs:
Personal Reference #1 (Name, Phone Number, Relation to you and Years known)
Personal Reference #2 (Name, Phone Number, Relation to you and Years known)